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Baby Cockroaches: All You Need to Know

Cockroaches are very common pests usually found in every second home in Florida, but what happens when you spot a baby cockroach? These small insects are a sign that a larger infestation could be lurking in your home or has already taken place.

Let’s get deeper into this article and see what actually a baby cockroach is, how to identify them, their behavior and habits, and tips to get rid of them before they infest in homes.

What Is a Baby Cockroach?

A baby roach is also known as a nymph and it is a first stage of cockroach life cycle after being hatched. Baby cockroaches look like smaller versions of adult cockroaches but without wings.

What Do Baby Cockroaches Look Like?

Baby cockroaches can be considered as smaller versions of adult cockroaches but without wings and often have a lighter color.

  • Size: They are between 1/16 to 1/8 inch long in size.
  • Color: When we talk about their color, baby cockroaches are often white or pale as soon as they are being hatched but turn a reddish-brown or darker shade rapidly.
  • Shape: Their shape is almost similar to adult roaches but they lack developed wings.

Life Cycle of a Cockroach

Life cycle of roaches has three main stages: Egg, Nymph and Adult. It is very important to understand the lifecycle of roaches as it helps controlling an infestation in our homes.

  1. Egg Stage

Female cockroaches lay eggs in protective casings called oothecae. Each ootheca contains 10 to 50 eggs depending on the type of cockroach.

Life Cycle of Roaches

  1.  Nymph Stage (Baby Cockroach)

After being hatched, baby cockroaches emerge as nymphs, the second stage of their life cycle. They lack wings and move very fast at this stage.

  1. Adult Stage

This is the final stage where a roach being an adult, has wings and reproductive abilities, and is responsible for reproduction which makes the life cycle keep going.

Where Do Baby Cockroaches Hide?

There are some common spots in homes that baby roaches consider the safest places to hide. Common hiding spots include:

  • Kitchens
  • Bathrooms
  • Cracks and Crevices
  • Cluttered Areas

Roaches mostly keep themselves hidden throughout the day and become active at night.

What Do Baby Cockroaches Eat?

Their diet is similar to adult cockroaches but less in quantity. They consume:

  • Food leftovers
  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Hair and skin flakes
  • Starch and sugar
  • Organic materials
  • Other insects

Are Baby Cockroaches Dangerous?

Baby cockroaches are not too dangerous when it comes to spreading diseases but they can be the carrier to several issues like:

Health risks:

Cockroaches can easily spread bacteria like Salmonella leading to food contamination and illness.

Allergies and Asthma:

Cockroach droppings and shed skins can cause allergies and exacerbate asthma symptoms.

Rapid Reproduction:

Baby cockroaches have a speedy growth and they turn into adults quickly. Their fast reproduction process makes it difficult to control the infestations.

Key Indicators of a Cockroach Infestation

Let’s look at some common signs which indicate the roach infestation in homes.

  • Multiple nymph sightings

If you see one baby cockroach, there are surely a lot more hidden and you could be dealing with an extensive colony.

  • Droppings

Cockroach poop can be considered as a proper indicator of infestation. It resembles black pepper or coffee grounds so whenever you see something similar, you should call a professional roach exterminator near you as you must be facing infestation in your home.

  • Egg casings

Finding oothecae (egg casings) around your home is a major red flag and indicates their presence.

  • Unpleasant odor

Cockroaches release a very unpleasant odor, especially in large infestations.

How to Get Rid of Baby Cockroaches

It is very difficult to deal with their infestation as these baby roaches keep themselves hidden throughout the day and comes out at night only in search of food.

Here are some effective methods for getting rid of baby cockroaches:

  1. Eliminate Food Sources

Cockroaches easily grow in environment with easy access to food and water. So, eliminating food sources should be the very first step to get rid of baby roaches. Keep your kitchen clean and store the food in proper airtight containers. Dispose off your dustbins and garbage daily to avoid attracting cockroaches.

  1. Seal Entry Points

Roaches need a very small gap to enter into the houses. Make sure to seal all the entry points including any cracks, gaps and crevices specially around doors, pipes and windows.

  1. Use Baits and Traps

Cockroach baits and traps are very effective when it comes to controlling the adult and baby roaches. These baits basically attract the roaches, which then carry the poison back to their nests, killing the colony.

  • Gel baits: Apply gel bait in crevices and areas where baby cockroaches are hiding.
  • Bait stations: Place these around common infestation areas like kitchens and bathrooms.
  1. Apply Insecticides

Insecticides can be used to kill baby cockroaches on contact. However, it’s important to use products that are safe for indoor use and follow the instructions carefully.

  • Boric acid: This is a natural insecticide that’s toxic to cockroaches. Sprinkle it around entry points and where you’ve seen cockroaches.
  • Diatomaceous earth: This powder dehydrates and kills cockroaches without using harsh chemicals.
  1. Call a Professional Exterminator

If you see baby roaches, it means you have a severe infestation in your home and it might be impossible to get rid of them at your own and it is the time to call a professional roach exterminator near you. These pest control companies have proper tools to eliminate roaches and other pests from your home.

Preventing Future Cockroach Infestations

Once you have completely eliminated the baby cockroaches from your home, it is now time to take preventive steps to make sure they don’t come back.

Fix gaps and leaks

Cockroaches enter the homes through smaller gaps, so make sure to seal all the gaps. Also, repair any leaks to remove water sources.

Vacuum Frequently

Frequent vacuuming can help remove any food source or cockroach eggs that may be hidden anywhere inside home.


Cockroaches love hiding in cluttered spaces. Keeping your home organized can reduce potential hiding spots.

Nymph cockroaches in your home are a clear indicator of an infestation at a larger scale. Always choose a professional pest control service to take early and immediate actions to prevent this infestation and keep your home safe from roaches.


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