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Cockroaches Bites: Appearance, Treatment and Prevention

Cockroaches are among the most common pests found in the USA, specifically in areas of Florida due to the humid temperature. Known for their resilience, cockroaches are often associated with unsanitary conditions and can carry various diseases. This raises a common question for many: Do cockroaches bite?

Do Cockroaches Bite?

The short answer is: yes, cockroaches can bite. However, it’s very rare. Cockroaches are generally more interested in feeding on food sources such as garbage or exposed food items. There are different types of cockroaches which are known to bite, but on rare occasions.

American Cockroach

These are large, common cockroaches that can be found in many homes and may bite if extremely hungry.

German Cockroach

Though smaller in size, German cockroaches are also known to bite, especially in densely populated infestations.

Oriental Cockroach

They only bite if they have a severe infestation and lack food sources.

Why Do Cockroaches Bite?

Cockroach bites are rare and typically occur in extreme infestations where their usual food sources are limited. The reasons cockroaches may bite humans include:

Lack of Food

When roaches find it difficult to access the required food source, or they have limited food source that is not enough to feed the larger infestation, they may bite humans to satisfy their hunger.


In some cases, cockroaches may bite to obtain moisture from the skin, especially from areas like fingernails, eyelashes, and lips.

Natural Reasons

Cockroaches are not aggressive towards humans, but they may bite them if they feel threatened or cornered.

What Do Cockroach Bites Look Like?

Cockroach bites resemble the bites of bed bugs and it may not initially be indicated that what has bitten. Let’s see how can it be differentiated from other insects.

  • Redness and Swelling
  • Itching and Irritation
  • Small Puncture Marks

A cockroach bite may leave a small puncture mark on the skin, which can help differentiate it from other insect bites and these bites usually occur on exposed areas of the body such as the face, hands or feet.

Are Cockroach Bites Dangerous?

Cockroach bites are not dangerous and can cause mild reactions on skins of people. However, cockroaches can pose more significant health risks through indirect means. Here are some of the potential dangers associated with cockroach bites and infestations:

Allergic Reactions

Some people may experience allergic reactions to cockroach bite. Symptoms can include sneezing, nasal congestion or skin rashes.

Bacterial Infections

Roaches can carry different bacteria as they feed on dirty items so their bite may lead to infection in humans.

The most common bacteria associated with cockroaches include:

  • Salmonella
  • coli

Asthma and Respiratory Issues

Cockroach droppings, saliva, and shed skin can aggravate asthma and other respiratory issues. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), cockroach allergens are a common asthma trigger, especially in children.

How to Treat Cockroach Bites

If you’ve been bitten by a cockroach, here’s what you can do to treat the bite effectively:

Clean the Bite Area

At first, clean the affected area with soap and water to prevent infection. This helps remove any bacteria that might have been transferred during the bite of cockroach.

Apply an Antiseptic

After cleaning the bite, apply an antiseptic ointment on the affected area to reduce the risk of infection and promote healing. Over-the-counter antiseptic creams are readily available and effective for treating minor insect bites.

Use Anti-Itch Creams

Use any anti-itch cream to help your skin reduce itching and reduce inflammation. These creams are used to soothe the skin that improves the infected area rapidly.

How to Prevent Cockroach Bites

The best way to avoid cockroach bites is to prevent your home from infestations. Here are some effective methods:

Maintain a Clean Environment

Cockroaches are attracted to food sources so make sure to keep your kitchen and home clean to avoid roaches in your homes.

  • Wipe Down Surfaces
  • Store Food Properly
  • Dispose of Garbage Regularly

Eliminate Water Sources

Roaches need water for survival so make sure to dry all the wet surfaces and remove the exposed water resources if any.

  • Fix Leaks
  • Dry Wet Surfaces

Seal Entry Points

Cockroaches can enter your home through tiny cracks or gaps. Sealing the entry points can keep them out specially the gaps in windows or doors.

Use Cockroach Traps and Baits

Cockroach traps and baits are the most effective means to control roach infestations. These products attract cockroaches and contain the elements that are toxic to them. It helps reducing the population gradually.

Call a Professional Pest Control Service

It is always preferred to call a professional roach exterminator if you have severe infestations in your home. They are perfectly trained and have all the necessary tools to eliminate roaches effectively.


Cockroach bites are rare but possible, especially when there are severe infestations. To prevent infestations, it is preferred to keep your home clean and seal all the entry points. In case, you still get bitten by a roach, treat it as soon as possible to avoid skin reactions. If you see roaches, reach out to Dave’s Pest Control and get your inspection done.



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