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Keeping your Florida homes healthy and protected from Palmetto Bugs

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Best Palmetto Bug Exterminators

It’s important to note that if you see one palmetto bug, there is an excellent chance that there are many more you don’t see. Palmetto bugs, also known as the American Cockroach, are not only unsettling to have in your home, but are also hazardous to your family’s health. They bring in a plethora of germs and diseases.

At Dave’s Pest Control, we have decades of experience exterminating pests like palmetto bugs and keeping homes safe. Contact us right away if you see any signs of palmetto bugs in or around your home.

Your Trusted Pest Control Provider

Dave’s Pest Control has worked for 45 years to provide you with reliable and professional pest control service in your area.

Why work with Dave’s Pest Control for your palmetto bug pest management

  • We operate all throughout central and south Florida
  • We have years of experience dealing with tough, dangerous pest problems like palmetto bugs
  • We help remove pests like palmetto bugs from your property and do our best to prevent them from returning

The faster you act, the better chance you have for your palmetto bug extermination to go quickly and smoothly. Contact Dave’s Pest Control for your palmetto bug pest control needs.

Where to Find Palmetto Bug Infestations

Palmetto bugs got their name from living underneath palm tree leaves and are usually found under bushes, in decaying logs, or near wet areas like pools — all things that are common in parts of Florida.

In Florida, palmetto bugs often live in close proximity to humans. They like warm, tropical weather and prefer dark and damp areas. Many areas of homes provide excellent shelter for palmetto bugs — including near pools, sprinkler systems, the foundations of houses, storm drains, and even places that homeowners see regularly like underneath roof shingles.

While usually found outside, palmetto bugs will migrate into homes to avoid flooding, excessive rain, and predators. They like dark and damp areas, so it’s common to find them under sinks, in drains, in hidden areas near kitchens, and in sheds and pool houses. They can live 2–3 months without eating, so they can be patient and elusive. They’re opportunistic and not in a rush to eat and expose themselves. This explains why spotting palmetto bugs is usually the sign of a bigger exterminator problem.

Another way to spot palmetto bugs is to look for their eggs. Palmetto bugs lay egg capsules containing a little over a dozen eggs. They tend to lay egg capsules weekly and can lay up to 75–90 egg capsules over a lifetime.

What Are Palmetto Bugs

Palmetto bugs are a common pest in Florida — especially in parts of Flagler and Volusia Counties like Port Orange, Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Deland, New Smyrna Beach, and more. While commonly referred to as “palmetto bugs,” these pests are technically the American cockroach and got their nickname for their affinity for spending significant time underneath palm leaves.

Identifying Palmetto Bugs

Palmetto bugs look like cockroaches because they technically are cockroaches. They’re reddish-brown and can grow up to 1.5 to 2 inches. Both male and female palmetto bugs have wings. While they can fly short distances, most often, they use their wings to glide from trees and buildings.

Beware! Palmetto Bugs Pose Health Risks

Palmetto bugs can actually pose a health threat. While it’s very rare for them to bite humans, they sometimes do because of lack of food, but bites are not serious. The bigger issue is contamination. They often live in unsanitary environments, like sewers, drains, and trash areas and eat decaying food scraps. In houses, they often hide in drawers or other hidden areas in kitchens and can contaminate plates, utensils, and other kitchenware while hiding and moving around.

Signs Of Palmetto Bug Infestation

If you suspect that you might have palmetto bugs in your home and want to further investigate on your own, there are a few things you can look for. Keep in mind that our team at Dave’s Pest Control is happy to help you identify and exterminate any palmetto bugs that may be in your home. That being said, some signs of palmetto bugs are:


The most obvious sign that you have palmetto bugs in your home is if you see them! The good news is that when you see a palmetto bug in your home or business, you can be 100% certain that you need to call an exterminator. The bad news is: if you see one, there are definitely way more that you don’t see. Luckily, our exterminators have the tools and experience to handle your problem — no matter the size of the infestation.


Everything and everyone has to go at some point — palmetto bugs are no exception. Even if you don’t see the palmetto bugs yourself, you can know if they are there by finding their droppings. Palmetto bugs in droppings can vary in size, but on average, you can expect to find little black specs that look like large grains of pepper. Look around in cupboards, drawers, or any other spaces in your home that are darker and often undisturbed.


The ootheca is a fancy term for an egg sac. Cockroaches don’t lay eggs, they instead use oothecae that contain roughly 15 eggs. Some species of cockroach carry the ootheca with them, but palmetto bugs leave theirs near a food source in a well-protected area. You may have to do some searching to find an ootheca, but ootheca with eggs or that have already burst are a good indication that it’s time to contact pest control services.


Pest management is important because the longer a palmetto bug infestation is allowed to continue, the stronger the smell will become. As more and more palmetto bugs accumulate, they will all generate urine and feces smells. Over time, you may notice a musty, overall unpleasant smell that seems to only get worse. If this is the case, it may be a sign that you need an exterminator for palmetto bugs.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer pet friendly pest control?

We use the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) method to eliminate pest infestations. This method is both environmentally and pet-friendly, making it a safer choice for your family and pets.

The cost depends entirely on the type of service you require. We offer free inspections to thoroughly inspect your property and identify the service you need.

Florida is home to a variety of pests, including roaches, mosquitoes, ants, bed bugs, termites, spiders, rodents, and many other species.

Dave’s Pest Control was founded in 1980 and has since become a trustworthy partner of Floridians. Rated among the best, we fully commit to customer satisfaction. Call us whenever you need pest control.

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